Day Four started with a last-minute detour to Roswell NM to check out the International UFO Museum. The kids thought all of the aliens (and alien decor) around Roswell were pretty funny. 👽👽
June 11, 2016 - Roswell NM - State #8 - 1573 miles
The International Spy Museum was a fun stop and we learned all about the "history" of the Roswell Incident.
After Roswell, we made our way to Alamogordo and got everything unpacked at the hotel and then headed to White Sands National Monument. It was one of our favorite stops on our 2015 trip and we all wanted to go back!
June 11, 2016 - White Sands NM - State #8 - 1710 miles
The first stop was the visitors center to rent a couple of saucers and then the kids took to the dunes for some sand sledding.... and rolling.
Ben sledding!
Ellie wanted to try sledding so Jacob put her on and pushed her down the hill. As soon as she started, I could see the terror in her eyes and let go of the camera so that I could catch her-- she did NOT go again.
Sweet, sandy boys
Christopher LOVED sledding-- I LOVE the look of pure joy on his face!
Nick sledding :)
While I'm not normally a fan of the desert, there is something about White Sands that I just cannot get enough of-- it is one of my favorite places in the country.
Especially the yucca. LOVE the yuccas in White Sands.
We missed peak blooms by a couple of months but even the old, dead flowers are beautiful in their own way.
After sledding for awhile, we met up with the park ranger for the nightly sunset stroll through the dunes.
A yucca with blooms!
We really enjoyed the sunset stroll and learned all about the ecosystem of the dunes-- Ellie did NOT enjoy it and wanted nothing to do with the sand.
These boys are getting so grown up.
The sun setting over White Sands-- unfortunately it was really overcast so the sunset wasn't as explosive as pictures I've seen, but it was beautiful.
Christopher wanted pictures of just him with Ellie. She wasn't happy about it at first but then a moth landed on the camera and proceeded to fly around my head for awhile and she thought it was hilarious. I'll take it!
The Albaeck sweethearts
I wanted to try and get a picture of Ellie standing in the sand but she wanted NOTHING to do with cooperating!

Goodnight, White Sands!
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