We needed to be at Camp Loughridge by 3:45p for pictures, so we just did quick naps and then everyone got dressed. We made it to the chapel and then had to wait for the photographer to get there!! So we had fun taking our own pictures while we waited.
After the photographers arrived we did the family pictures outside on the balcony and the pictures of the bridal party. Then we sat in the chapel and let the kids run around and play before the wedding.
Christopher, Grandma Robin, Nicholas
Ben had a blast running up and down the aisle!!
The kids had fun playing in the chapel before the wedding. They had fun running up and down the aisle and playing in the bride's room. About a half hour before the wedding started Ben started getting tired. During the processional, he started saying "Go to car!!" rather loudly, so once I got Christopher and Nicholas into our row, I headed out of the chapel with Ben. He had fun running up and down the hill outside and I could kind of hear the ceremony from the back of the church. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm hoping other people took some good pictures!!
After the ceremony we went to the reception hall. The kids were excited to see Auntie Missa and Uncle Jeff!!! We had some dinner and then it was time for dancing!
The cups at the table were a big hit!!
Auntie Missa was a great sport and made sure to dance with all the kids!! Christopher and Nicholas would have danced with her all night if they could. Ben gave her a dollar during the money dance, but wanted nothing to do with her after that!!

Auntie Missa and Nicholas
Auntie Missa and Christopher
And a big "thank you" to Jessica and Jenni for all their help during the wedding!! I couldn't have done it without you guys!! :)
I think Lexie spent most of the reception in her stroller!
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