Today was Family Day at Fort Leonard Wood. After almost five months of training, we were able to see Jacob for the first time. The kids and I (and Grandma and Grandpa!) were VERY excited!!! We went on base for the Family Day briefing and a slideshow of the training.

Grandma walked down to where the Soldiers were to get a picture while they were sitting at attention! :)
After the briefing Jacob was released for the rest of the day. We went outside to get some quick family pictures!

Family Photo
Jennifer, Lexie, Jacob, Ben, Chris, and Nick

I missed you Daddy!!

Daddy and his princess!!
After taking a bunch of pictures, Grandma and Grandpa headed to Lake of the Ozarks for the afternoon while the rest of us went to lunch and back to the hotel. We met up for dinner at Ruby Tuesday and then Christopher, Nicholas, and I took Jacob back to FLW for the night. Ben and Lexie stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and took a bath! :)

The water baby!

I can pour water on you! :)
:) Looks like you guys had a lovely time.