(1) Sleeping so peacefully (2) 2.5 pounds of pork chops, 4 pounds of roasted potatoes and 2 pounds of broccoli for dinner. Gone. Ben ate half of the broccoli. Not looking forward to feeding them during the teen years. (3) Watching the Super Bowl
(4) Zoe is eying Lexie's Wine Gums (5) Hate waking this sleeping sweetheart to take the other sweethearts to school (6) Decisions
(7) Sitting with Daddy (8) Lunch by the fire at Cracker Barrel (9) Helping make the BEST oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for the big kids' after school snack (and grinning at the dog)
(1) Three months old! (2) Playing "Opening Ceremony Bingo" and enjoying Russian Apple Sharlotka (3) Leftover apple sharlotka makes a delicious breakfast with coffee
(4) Homemade peach crisp (5) All tuckered out after her bath (6) Nick finally finished the display board for his Living History Museum
(7) Ellie loves her quilt (8) Homemade ham and potato soup is perfect for a snow day (9) Snow finally stopped
(1) Hearing about everyone's snowventures wore her out (2) Perfect night for polenta! (3) Ready to brave the aftermath of the snowpocalypse
(4) Heartbreaker pizza and Cupid floats on Valentine's Day (5) Lunch with the birthday boy (6) Loving her new jumper
(7) Cutest lunch date ever at Tupelo Honey Cafe (8) OMG. Yum. (9) French deliciousness at Amelie's
(1) Nick as Teddy Roosevelt (2) Ready for the daddy-daughter dance (3) Nick and Ben had sundaes while Lexie was at the dance
(4) Nick and his birthday burrito (5) What?! The snow is gone and it's nice outside?! (6) Excited for our morning walk
(7) Laying in bed watching videos of herself (8) Such a sweet face..... (9) Gotta make sure there's room in her mouth for her thumb and pacifier!
I am sooooooo glad you are back to blogging! I love the "insta-updates" - like a month in review!