I found this website,
AnySoldier, that allows you to send care packages to troops deployed in support of OIF and OEF. Years ago you could address mail to "Any Soldier" and it would get delivered to a deployed service member. Due to the September 11 terrorist attacks the DOD has stopped delivering mail that is not addressed to a specific person.
With AnySoldier, individual soldiers volunteer to be part of the program. They write in and can request items that people in their units need. Then, mail is sent directly to the soldier with Attn: Any Soldier underneath the name. The soldier then passes the package on to another soldier that hasn't received mail or care packages.
We signed up to do a care package headed to a unit in Iraq and well as one headed to a unit in Afghanistan. The boys had a great time picking out snacks and coloring pictures to send in our packages!!

Ben sitting with the boxes.

Christopher and Nicholas pausing for a photo

Benjamin helping to fill the boxes.
Lexie has been cruising the furniture for the past month. This week she decided to try standing unassisted. She's usually good for about 30 seconds before falling forward very slowly.

Lexie still loves playing with cars.

What's Up?

Yeah, I can stand AND make faces at the camera!!

Slowly falling down.

Look at those green eyes!!
You have inspired me to sign up for a package or two... and what a great way to teach your kids about the value of helping others!